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My name is Amba and I am Community Wellbeing Chaplain for Beacon Church.A chaplain is a minister who is attached too a particular group of people or institution.I am passionate about community and committed to serving all people in living their best life, in full health and wellbeing.

I have been an Assemblies of God Minister since 2011 and have been involved in youth work, community development and church leadership since 2000.​


My interest in mental health and wellbeing increased during the Covid 19 pandemic when, through my work, I encountered many people who were struggling to maintain and improve good levels of resilience and emotional health. ​


I realised there is a powerful link between the sometimes small actions of daily routine (movement, connection, diet etc) and our overall sense of general wellbeing.​


I believe that we are created beings, lovingly made by God. We are not just flesh and blood but He made us with a body, soul and spirit.  All these parts are connected and make us a whole human being.  When one of these parts is weak or sick, it can affect our whole lives.  Just as we spend time looking after our physical bodies it is equally important that we value our mental and emotional health too.​


My passion is to see people thrive in every area of their lives by supporting with the practical, social and spiritual needs we all have. ​


I can't wait to meet you!​


Amba K​​​

Suffolk Wellbeing


Suffolk Wellbeing came into being as a soloution to a problem. The problem? In 2021/2 it was recorded that  13.2% of people over the age of 18 had a recorded diagnosis of depression.  This is the highest prevalence in the East of England and significantly higher then the national average (12.7%)1


Since the Covid 19 pandemic we have seen a massive rise in the number of people taking medication to treat their mental health.  Following the lockdowns, many more people now struggle with anxiety and depression and other conditions affecting their wellbeing and resilience.

The NHS provides an amazing range of treatment and support for people suffering from poor mental health. However, demand is high, waiting lists for counselling and therapy are long and the cost of private treatment is beyond the reach of many.


Suffolk Wellbeing aims to provide a safe, free hub full of wellbeing resources and links to faith based therapy.  Drawing on the work of the Wellbeing Chaplain we want to support all in our community to live well and thrive, body, soul and spirit.



1.Suffolk Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (2023), Suffolk County Council + Public Health and Community,  Knowledge, Intelligence and Evidence Team, page 3





  A faith-based online wellbeing initiative, by Beacon Church, Bury St Edmunds.

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